Archive | November, 2011

The Rock & The Hard Place

12 Nov

I cannot believe it has been over a MONTH since the last time I posted on here!  I have been super busy with work and some crazy stuff has been happening with our adoption the past couple weeks.  We have experienced many ups and downs (mostly downs) and I have not had the time, energy, or ever the clarity to blog about this roller coaster we’ve been on.  Fortunately, things are starting to look up.

It is such a long story, and I can’t share a lot on here quite yet because this is so public.  We have felt like we’re stuck in limbo, or stuck between a rock and a hard place.  I will say that we could use your prayers and in a week or so when some things pan out, I will give a more thorough update!

And by the way, our dossier arrived in Uganda on October 14th.  Yay!

We appreciate you prayers.  Keep ’em coming!